Prosecuting Attorney: Donnell Smith
Prosecuting Attorney’s Assistant: Anna Ursery
Prosecuting Attorney’s Assistant’s Phone: (314) 261-7221 Ext. 106

Request for Recommendation

All requests for recommendation should be mailed directly to the Prosecuting Attorney at: Velda Village Hills Municipal Court, Attn: Donnell Smith Prosecuting Attorney, 3501 Avondale Avenue, Velda Village Hills, MO 63121.

All negotiations and discussions regarding a recommendation are conducted between defense counsel and the prosecuting attorney. Any compliance or other documentation required should be directed to the prosecuting attorney. Once an agreement is reached between both parties the prosecuting attorney will prepare a Recommendation to be offered to the court. The prosecuting attorney may request a case be continued for purposes of obtaining acceptance of a Recommendation by submitting a copy of their request for a new court date to the Court.

The Recommendation must be signed and dated by the Defendant, Defendant’s Counsel and the Prosecutor before the Judge will sign off on the Recommendation.

All Plea Agreements involving probation require an appearance by both the Defendant and their attorney. The date shall be provided to defense counsel by the prosecuting attorney.

If the plea agreement does not require an appearance and is payable outside of court, the defendant and their attorney must sign the Recommendation and forward the signed and dated document to the court prior to the court date. If payment is not made in accordance with the Recommendation prior to the court date or paid in full prior to the court date, the defendant must appear in person on the court date. The Recommendation is not entered into the Court records until the signed Recommendation form has been filed with the Court. The court clerks are not able to accept payment on a fine in person, by mail or online until the signed Recommendation has been filed with the Court.

Request for Discovery

All requests for discovery should be mailed directly to the Prosecuting Attorney at: Velda Village Hills Municipal Court, Attn: Donnell Smith Prosecuting Attorney, 3501 Avondale Avenue, Velda Village Hills, MO 63121.